Thursday, November 24, 2016



strength -
bend -
compression -
deflection -
tension -
shear -
fuselages -
graduate -
informally -
translator -
fuselage -
stiffness -
simulate -
fatigue -



domestic appliance - гэр ахуйн хэрэгсэл
pressure - дарамт, даралт, шаардлага
movement - хөдөлгөөн, урсгал, шилжилт
heating system - халаалтын систем, дулааны систем
refrigerator - хөргөгч, хөргүүр
pressure measurement - даралтын хэмжигдэхүүн
temperature measurement - температурын хэмжигдэхүүн
flow measurement - урсгалын хэмжигдэхүүн,
level measurement - үе шатын хэмжигдэхүүн
process measurement - боловсруулатын хэмжигдэхүүн
pipe - хоолой,  шингэний хэмжүүр, гуурсан хоолой
exothermic reaction - ;дулааны урвал, эксотермын нөлөө
conveyor belt - дамжлагын
ethanol - этилийн спирт
vessel - усан онгоц, хөлөг онгоц, шилэн сав, бумба
precaution - сэрэмж, болгоомжлол, урьдчилан сэргийлэх
consumption - хэрэглээ, зарцуулалт, зардал
optimum - хамгийн таатай, тохиромжтой, оновчтой
timescale - цагийн хэмжүүр
fuel - түлш, түлээ, бензин, шатахуун
quantity - тоо хэмжээ, тоо, хувь хэсэг
gap - зай, ялгаа, нүх
downstream - доод талын, урсгал дагуу, уруу
pinpoint - үзүүр, нарийн тодорхойлох, цэгийн чичлүүр
precise regulation - нарийн зохицуулалт
steam out - уурших
propane - пропан

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


                 ➤ U10LA

intelligent - ухаалаг
building management system - барилгын удирдлагын тогтолцоо
presence detector - холболт илрүүлэгч
detect - илрүүлэх, олох, илрүүлэлт
pick up - шилжүүлэх, адаптер, барих, баригч, гаралт
set off - зөрчил, зөрөлдөөн, сэргээх, нөхөн төлөх
trigger - цөмийн цэнэг, ажиллууах схем, түгжээ,
sensor - дохиологч, мэдээлэгч, мэдрэмтгий элемент
regulate - журамлах, зохицуулах, тохируулах, тааруулах
movement - хөдөлгөөн, урсгал, шилжилт
thermostat - халуун хадгалагч
pressure plate - даралтын хавтан, шахалтын хавтан
electric convector heater - цахилгаан конвектор халаагч
intruder alarm -  халдлагын дохиолол, довтолгооны дохиолол
approach - халдлага, арга, хандамж, ойртуулал
regard - хамаарах
practicality - практикт хэрэглэх боломж
mixture - найруулга, хольц, найрлага
critical issue - шиидвэрлэх асуудал, эгзэгтэй асуудал
switch-off delay - свитч унтраах саатал
open-plan offices - нээлттэй төлөвлөгөөний алба
individual offices - бие даасан алба


                ➤ U9LB

raise - нэмэгдүүлэх
transported - тээвэрлэгдсэн
attached - хавсаргасан
ascend - ахисан, өссөн
descend - буурсан, доошилсон
electromagnetic - цахилгаан соронзон
remotely - алсаас, алсын зайнаас
elevator - цахилгаан шат, лифт
surface - гадаргуу, нүүр
aimed - чиглэсэн, зорисон
astronauts - сансрын нисгэгч
payload - даацтай
orbit -  тойрог зам
theoretical - онолын
geostationary - газрын байрлалаа өөрчилдөггүй
vehicle - тээврийн хэрэгслийн
self-contained energy - биеэ даасан эрчим хүчний
problematic - асуудалтай, асуудал бүхий
anchoring system - бэхэлгээний систем
urgently - яаралтай
propulsion system - тийрэлтэт хөдөлгүүрийн систем


                 ➤ U9LA

global position system GPS - дэлхийн байршлын систем
associated - холбоотой, хамааралтай
topographical surveying - газарзүйн судалгаа
geological exploration - геологийн олборлолт, геологийн судалгаа
avionics equipment - нисэхийн электрон тоног төхөөрөмж
maritime applications - далайн програм, тэнгисийн апликейшн
geographical position - газарзүйн байрлал
simultaneously - нэгэн зэрэг
constellation - одны, оддын
external factor - гадаад хүчин зүйл


                ➤  U8LB
mug - оффис, аяга
sketch - ноорог
construct - барих, байгуулах
identify - тогтоох, тодорхойлох, адилтгах
assemble - угсрах, нэгтгэх
narrow - нарийн, нарийхан
constrain - саад, саад тотгор, саад болж буй
effective - үр дүнтэй, үр нөлөөтэй
highly-affordable - маш хямд
travel-friendly - аялал жуулчлалд таатай
feasibility study - техник эдийн засгийн судалгаа, боломжит судалгаа
preliminary design - урьдчилсан зураг төсөл
sketches - тойм зураг
retention - тогтвор суурьшилтай
exterior - гадна тал, өнгөн тал, интериер
construct - барьж байгуулах
evaluate - үнэлэх
effectiveness - үр ашиг, үр нөлөө
detailed design - нарийвчилсан зураг төсөл
verify - шалгах
criteria - шалгуур үзүүлэлт
grip - атгах, гар бариул, анхаарал татах


                 ➤ U8LA
problem - асуудал
variables - хувьсагчууд
experiment - туршилт
observation - ажиглалт
hypothesis - таамаглал
methodology - аргачлал
procedure - үйл явц
analyze - дүн шинжилгээ
result - үр дүн
control - хяналт
review - үнэлгээ, шинжилгээ
suggestion - санал
dissipate - сарниулах


              ➤ U7LB
integer - бүхэл тоо
significant figures - таслалын арын тоо
trailing zero - тэг бичих
leading zero - тэгээр эхлэх
rounding - бүхэлдэх
order of magnitude - хэмжээний дараалал
convention - гэрээ, зарчим
notation - тэмдэглэгээ, бичлэг
scientific notation - шинжлэх ухааны тэмдэглэгээ
digit - тоо, нэг оронтой тоо
calculation error - тооцооллын алдаа


               ➤ U7LA
equals - тэнцүү
cubed -  куб (3н зэрэг)
squared - квадрат (2 зэрэг)
percent - хувь
exponents - зэргийн илтгэгч
multiple - үржүүлэх
power - /ten to the fourth power - 10ын 4н зэрэг/

Answers Unit 1 - Lesson B

                            Unit 1 - Lesson B

1.  1. What are good qualities for engineers to have?   The good engineers need technical competency, common sense, dependability, outgoing that interpersonal skill, courage and organizational. Furthermore engineers must need curiosity, problem solve and quantitative.
     2. How can these qualities be developed?  First of all engineers need be yourself. And , you should hard to learn, people make contact, and to be determined to reach one's goal. 
2. 1c, 2c, 3c
3. 1f, 2d, 3a, 4g, 5e, 6b, 7c
4. 1-competence, 2-long-term, 3-interpersonal, 4-quality, 5-courage
5. Why must an engineer be numerate? Because engineers 
6. 1T, 2F, 3T
7. 1-degree in, 2-curiosity, 3-locked for answers, 4-interpersonal, 5-clubs in college.


                   ➤ U6LB
luminance - хэмжүүр
measurement - хэмжих, хэмжилтийн
lightweight - хөнгөн
reflect - тусгах, бодох, тусгасан
reflective - тусгал
accordance - журмын дагуу, зохих журмын дагуу
SI system of unit - нэгжийн СИ систем
square meter - хавтгай дөрвөлжин метр
luminous intensity -
base unit - үндсэн нэгж
candelas - кандел
solid angle -
supplementary unit -нэмэлт нэгж, тодотгол нэгж
derived unit - уламжлагдсан нэгж
steradians -
average - дундаж


                        ➤ U6LA
metric - хэмуил зүй, хэмжигдэхүүн
meter - метр, хэмжээ, хэмжих хэрэгсэл
foot - хөл, доод хэсэг,
imperial - стандартын, тогтоосон
liter - литер
measurements - хэмжих, хэмжилт
feet - фут
inch - инч
gallon - галлон
kilogram - кг
pound - поунд


                    ➤ U5LB
distribution - түгээлт;
generation - үүсэл;
domestic consumption - дотоодын хэрэглээ;
step-up transformer - өсгөгч дамжуулагч;
domestic distribution - дотоодын түгээлт;
step-down transformer - бууруулагч дамжуулагч;
direct current DR - тогтмол гүйдэл;
direction - чиглэл, зүг чиг, удирдлага;
alternating current AL - хувьсах гүйдэл;
circuit - хэлхээ;
amperes - ампер;
volt - хүчдэл;
potential difference - потенциалын өөрчлөлт;
conductor - дамжуулагч;
resistance - эсэргүүцэл;
electrical safety - цахилгааны аюулгүй байдал;
current - цахилгаан гүйдэл;
knockout - нарийн ширхэг, ширхэг, мяндас, утас;
protection - хамгаалалт;
voltmeter - вольтметер;
comfortable - тав тухтай, тохилог;
pressure - даралт;
rechargeable - дахин цэнэглэгдэх;
excess - илүүдэл, давсан;
damage - хохирол;
radiator - радиатор
dissipate - сарниулах, задруулах, тараах;
climate-control - цаг уурын хяналт;
nearly - бараг, бараг л;
blanket - бүхнийг хамарсан, нэгдсэн, бүтээлэг, бүрхүүл;
circuit breaker - хэлхээний автомат унтраалга;
circuit diagram - хэлхээний загвар, хэлхээний диаграм;
solar array - нарны эрчим хүч;
solar energy - нарны энерги;
substation - дэд станци;
switchroom - удирдлагын өрөө, унтраалгын өрөө;
transformer - трансформатор;

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


potential energy - потенциал энерги;
passenger - зорчигч;
decelerate - хурд саарах, хурдаа багасгах;
kinetic energy - кинетик энерги;
seatbelts - суудлын бүс;
non-stretching - суналтгүй;
stopping distance - зогсох зай;
work-energy principle - энергийн хууль;
force - хүч;
G - таталцлын хүч;
transfer - шилжилт;
drawback - сул тал;
benefit - үр ашиг;
safety - аюулгүй байдал;
failure - алдаа;
extend -сунгах;


                       ➤ U4LB
pulley - дамар, араа, хүрд ;
inclined plane - налуу хавтгай, хазайсан хавтгай;
fulcrum - тулах цэг;
wheel and axle - дугуй болон тэнхлэг;
complicated - нарийн төвөгтэй;
simple  machine - энгийн машин;
lever - хөшүүрэг;
wedge - шаантаг;
leverage - хөшүүргийн хүч;


                      ➤ U4LA
drill - өрөм;
wire stripper - утас хуулагч;
pliers - бахь;
vise - хавчдаг багаж;
screwdriver - халив;
screw - эрэг;
strip - зурвас;
clip - хавчаар;
soldering iron - гагнуурын төмөр;
solder - тугалга;
an electric drill - цахилгаан өрөм;


                   ➤ U3LB
dimensions - хэмжүүрүүд;
scale - жин;
CAD drawing - КАД зураг;
schematic - схем;
depth - гүн;
exploded view -
liquid crystal display - тунгалаг талст дэлгэц
cross-section - хөндлөн огтлол;
deepness - гүн;
wideness - өргөн;


                   ➤ U3LA
cylinder - цлиндр;
arch - дугуй хаалга;
oval - зууван;
square - квадрат;
semi-circle - хагас дугуй хүрээтэй;
ellipse - эллипс;
rectangle - тэгш өнцөгт;
vault - хүнхэр;
flat circle - хавтгай тойрог;
right angle - шулуун өнцөг, тэгш өнцөг;
three dimension - 3н хэмжээст;
half of circle - тал тойрог;
four sides - 4н талт;


                ➤   U2LB
cheap - хөнгөхөн;
flexible - уян хатан;
stiff - хөндий, хатуу;
brittle - хугарамтгай, хэврэг;
dense - өтгөн, шигүү, нягт;
elastic - сунадаг, резин;
plastic - хуванцар;
tough - шигүү, нягт;
smooth - толигор, сэвгүй, гөлгөр;
alloy - холих, хольц нэмэх, хайлш;
corrosion -  зэврэлт, зэв, зэв идэх;
density - нягт, нягт байдал, нягтрал;
ductility - уян чанар;
weak - хэврэг;
extrusion - шахах, дарах;
casting - цутгах;
forging - давтах;
rolling - эргэлдэж байгаа, солигдож байгаа, нимгэлэх;
steel - ган;
aluminium - хөнгөн цагаан;
copper - зэс;
titanium - титан;
carbon - нүүрс, нүүрстөрөгч, угаар;
modulus - модуль, коэффициент;
extension-load graph - ачааллын нэмэлт график;
property -  шинж чанар;
stress-strain graph - даралтын ачааллын график;


                ➤   U2LA
natural - байгалийн;
malleable - зөөлөн, уян хатан;
luster - гэрэл, гялгар;
insulator - тусгаарлагч, бүрээс;
tensile - сунгаж болох;
transparent - тунгалаг, нэвт харагддаг;
brittle - хэврэг;
conductor - дамжуулагч, кабел утас;
ductility - давтагдах чанар, дуулгавартай байдал;
hardness - хатуу бат бөх чанар;
synthetic - нийлэг даавуу;
plastic - хуванцар;
brittle - хэврэг;
durable - бат бөх;


              ➤  U1LB

organization - зохион байгуулалттай;
interpersonal - хүмүүс хоорондын харьцааг хөндсөн;
curiosity - сониуч, юмны учрыг олох хүсэл;
quantitative thinking -
quality - давуу тал, зэрэг;
competency -чадвар, авъяас чадвар;
common sense - ухаалаг, эрүүл саруул сэтгэлгээтэй;
furthermore - түүнээс гадна, түүнчлэн;
dependability - найдвартай байдал;
courage -зориг, эр зориг;
problem solve - асуудлыш шийдэх, асуудлын учрыг олох;
long-term - урт хугацааны;
requirement - хэрэгцээ, шаардлага;
experience - туршлага;
responsibility - хариуцлага, үүрэг, амлалт;
bravery - зориг зүрх, аймшигатай эр зориг;
punctuality - цаг нарийн баримтлах;
reliability - найдвартай байдал, бөх чанар;
trustworthiness - найдвартай байдал;
short-term - богино хугацааны;
lack - хомсдол дутагдал, хүрэлцээ муу;
inference - гэж үзэх, гэж бодох, дүнэлт, таамаглал;


                  ➤  U1LA

maintain - арчлах, засах, сайжруулах ;

improve - сайжруулах, боловсронгуй болгох;
observation - туршилт, судалгаа, хэмжилт, санал;
prediction - төсөөлөл, таамаглал;
principle - зарчим, хэм хэмжээ, үндэс, норм;
scientist - эрдэмтэн, эрдэм шинжилгээний ажилтан;
maintenance - техникийн үйлчилгээ, засвар, арчилгаа;
component - эд анги, хольц, бүрэлдэхүүн хэсэг;
skill - ур чадвар, туршлага, чадвар;
aerospace - агаарын, агаар мандлын, сансрын;
civil - иргэний, хүн амын, төрийн;
radioactive - цацраг идэвхи, цацраг идэвхит чанар;
concrete - бетон, бетоноор хийсэн, бетонон;
artificial - хиймэл, зохиомол, дүр үзүүлсэн;
investigation - судалгаа шинжилгээ, ажиглан судлах;
medicine -анагаах ухаан, эм, эм тариа;
railway -төмөр зам, төмөр замын, төмөр зам барих;
satellite -хиймэл дагуул, дагуул улс;
equipment -тоног төхөөрөмж, тоноглол, оюуны хөгжил;
oven -зуух, хатаах зуух, шарах шүүгээ;
supplier -нийлүүлэгч, хангагч;
improvement - сайжрал, өсөлт, тохируулга;
qualification -шинж чанар, чадамж, мэргэшил;
experience - туршлага, зэрэглэл, сорилт;
invention - шинэ бүтээл, оновчтой санаа;
identify - тогтоох, таних, нэрлэх, ялгаж таних;
ultrasonic - хэт авиан, дуунаас хурдан
high-pitched - чанга, өндөр эгц;
architectural - уран барилгын;
chemical - хиймийн;
mechanical - механикийн;
numerical - тоон, тооны;
practical - бодит, боломжийн, биеллээ олох;

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Answers Unit 1 : Lesson A

         Unit 1 : Lesson A

Kick off
1. 1c, 2b, 3a
2. 1- an engineer, 2- a technician, 3- a scientist
1. 1- Mathematics, physics, communication, information and communication technology and manufacture are most important for engineers.
    2- At first engineers will need computer,  software, presentation and research skills for their job. Obviously numerical, mathematics, physics, and study skills are important.
    3- I can name of types of engineers it's network engineer, aerospace engineer, electrical engineer, electronic engineer, architectural engineer, mechanical engineer, civil engineer, sanitation engineer and bio engineer etc.
2. read
3. subjects: 1- mathematics, 2- physics, 3- communication, 4- information and communication technology, 5- materials, 6- design and manufacture
    skills: 1- numerical and mathematical skills; 2- research, study; 3- presentation skills, computer and software skills
    field(types) of engineering: 1- materials, 2- architectural, 3- chemical, 4- civil, 5-electrical, 6- electronic mechanist, 7- aero space.
4.  1. Which subjects are the most interesting?  They are most interesting subjects which communication technology, design and mathematics.
     2. Which subjects are the most difficult?  Mathematics and physics are most difficult.
     3. Which skills are your best now? Mathematical skill is my best right now.
     4. Which skills do you need a learn? I need learn computer, software, and basic network.
     5.What type of engineering would you like to study? Why?  I like study network engineering. Because network engineer is interesting, importance, and complexion of the 21st century.
5. Architecture  -  Architectural
    Chemistry  -  Chemical
    Electricity  -  Electrical
    Mathematics -  Mathematical
    Matter  -  Material
    Mechanics  -  Mechanical
    Nation -  National
    Number  -  Numerical
    Physics  -  Physical
    Practice  - Practical
6. 1 - Material, 2- Mechanical, 3- practical, 4- electrical, 5-physics, 6- architectural, 7- mathematical, 8-numerical, 9- national,
It's my job
1. 1e, 2b, 3f, 4a, 5g, 6h, 7c, 8i, 9d
3. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5T
Language spot
1. 1-work
    2- started
    3- 'm
    4- were
2. present - I work for an electricity supply company
    past - I started the job two years ago. At school, my favorite subjects were mathematics and physics.
3. present simple- 2,4,7,
    past simple - 1,3,5,6,
4. 1- finished,  2- work,  3-  was,  4- start,  5- have,  6- worked
5. 1- work, 2- went, 3- became, 4- finished, 5- studied, 6- lives, 7- travel, 8-have
1. 1b, 2a, 3e, 4d, 5c
2. wants to improve the world - Mosaad
    sees engineering is all around us - Jounne
    has worked as a technician - Terry
    loves vehicles - Anders
    is interested in how things work - Marcos

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Writing an essay

Writing an essay

1. The Structure of an Essay

           Your essay should start with an introductory paragraph. There are actually many different ways to begin an essay; therefore, the format of the introductory paragraph isflexible. Often, essays begin with a general introductory statement. This statement could be an anecdote, description, striking statistic, a fact that will lead to your thesis, etc. Beginning this way, you will use the first few sentences to prepare, or "lay the groundwork" for your thesis, and use the last sentence of the first paragraph to presentyour thesis. However, your thesis statement can be anywhere in your introduction. In a longer essay, you can even wait to present your thesis until the second paragraph or later. Also for a longer essay, you should begin to introduce a few supporting ideas in the first couple of paragraphs. These supporting ideas should be the topics that you will discuss in full in your body paragraphs. For a short essay, presenting supporting ideas during the introduction is optional.

         Your second paragraph generally begins the body of the paper. (For a longer paper, the body of the paper may not begin until the third paragraph or later). This paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the first supporting idea (the support for your thesis). You should use the middle of the paragraph to discuss your support, give examples, and analyze the significance of these examples. Your last sentence of the body paragraph could be used to draw a conclusion for that supporting idea, or to transition into the next paragraph.

          Your next two body paragraphs should follow the same format as your first body paragraph. They should each have a separate topic sentence and supporting ideas, but the three paragraphs should work together to prove your thesis. If you are writing a longer paper, you will have more than three body paragraphs, but they should all follow this format.

       The form of your conclusion, like your introduction, is flexible. One good way to conclude a paper is to begin the last paragraph with a statement that reflects on what has been stated and proved, without repeating it exactly. Then you should briefly restate your key points to gently remind the reader how well you proved your thesis. Your conclusion should end with a statement or idea that leaves a strong impression and provokes further thought. 

2. The essay

          To define the essay briefly, one can say that it is a piece of writing usually short (3 to 10 pages), written in prose, and that may be on any subject. The essay is generally based on other people's statements. In the essay you can include your personal opinion, and some examples to illustrate your point of view. It is written about one topic, just as a paragraph is. However, the topic of an essay is too long and too complex to discuss it in one paragraph. Therefore, you must divide the topic into several paragraphs, one for each major point. In general, essays have three basic parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

  1. The Introduction

It is the first section of your essay. This makes it extremely important, because first impressions are often lasting ones. It consists of two parts: a few general statements about your subject to attract your reader's attention, and a thesis statement, that states the specific subdivisions of your topic and/or the "plan" of your paper. The introduction then, begins with remarks to interest people. As it progresses, it should present general ideas or facts to orient the reader. Then, it will narrow its focus, and move from general to specific facts smoothly and logically.

  1. The body Paragraphs

They are the longest section of you essay. In a short essay there are usually three body paragraphs, each one considering in detail one aspect of the essay's controlling idea. This is called a three-point essay. At the beginning of each of your support paragraphs, there is a topic sentence that tells what the rest of your text is going to be about. This sentence should direct your readers back to the controlling idea and indicate which aspect of it you are going to discuss. Once you present your topic, you need details and facts to support it. It is not enough to state your position; your reader needs to be convinced that your point of view is valid an accurate. There is not any rule that determines how long a body paragraph should be. The more relevant detail you can bring in to support each of your topic sentence, the clearer your points will be.

  1. The Conclusion
The ideas in this part must be consistent with the rest of your essay. In it, you should restate the controlling idea. This restatement is usually more effective when it is located at the beginning of the conclusion. It reminds your public about the major points you were trying to make, and it indicates your essay is about to end. Many writers like to end their conclusion with a final emphatic sentence. This strong closing statement will make your readers think about the implications of what you wrote. You do not introduce your points in your conclusion.

Making presentation (mindmap)

Useful language for making a presentation (mind map)
1.    MAKING A START - Introducing yourself and your talk
Greeting, name, position:
- Good morning. My name’s (…). I’m ( the manager … ).
- Ladies and gentlemen. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.
- Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my background. I started out  in ...
- Welcome to (…). I knew I’ve met some of you, but just for the benefit of those I haven’t, my name’s (…). 
Title / subject
- I’d like to talk (to you) today about …
- I’m going to present  the recent …
                     explain our position on …
                     brief you on …
 inform you about / describe…      
  - The subject of my talk
       focus            presentation    
       topic             paper (academic)       
                               speech (usually to public audience)
Purpose / Objective
- We are here today to decide …
                                  agree …
                                  learn about …
- The purpose of this talk is to update you on …
                                       put you in the picture about …
                                      give you the background to …
- This talk is designed to act as a springboard for
  discussion. Start the ball rolling.
- I shall only take (…) minutes of your time.
- I plan to brief.
- This should be only last (…) minutes.
Outline / Main parts
- I’ve divided my presentation/talk into four
  parts/sections. They are (…).
- The subject can be looked at under the following
   headings: (…).
- We can break this area down into the following fields:
          Firstly / first of all … 
          Secondly / then / next …
          Thirdly / and then we come to …
          Finally / lastly / last of all ...
- I’d be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.
- Please interrupt me if there’s something which needs clarifying.
  Otherwise, there’ll be time for discussion at the end.
Reference to the audience
- I can see many of you are …;     
- I know you’ve all travelled a long way.
- You all look as though you’ve heard this before.
- As I’m sure you know … ;          
- You may remember …
- We have all experienced …         
- As I’m sure we’d all agree …
2.    LINKING THE PARTS – Linking ideas
Sequencing / Ordering
- Firstly …    secondly …    thirdly … ;     
- Then …    next …   finally / lastly …
- Let’s start with …;  
So that covers ....
- Let’s move/go on to … ;
- Now we come to … ; That brings us to …
- Let’s leave that (there) … ; That covers …
- Let’s get back to …;     … and turn to …
Giving reasons / causes
- Therefore / so;    
- as a result; that’s why ;
- But;
- however;
- similarly;     
- in the same way;
- in fact;       
- actually;
- to sum up; 
- in brief / in short;
- in conclusion; 
- to conclude;
- in particular;  
- especially;
-By the way ;  
- in passing;
Giving examples
- For example / for instance;  
- such as;     
6. FINISHING OFF - Endings
Signaling the end
- That brings me to the end of my presentation.
- That completes my presentation.
- Before I stop / finish, let me just say …
- That covers all I wanted to say today.
- Let me just run over the key points again.
- I’ll briefly summarize the main issues.
- To sum up …
- Briefly …
- As you can see, there are some very good  reasons …
- In conclusion …
- I’d like to leave you with the following thought / idea.
- So, I would suggest that we …
- I’d like to propose … (more formal).
- In my opinion, the only way forward is …
- Thanks.
- Thank you for your attention.
- Thank you for listening.
- I hope you will have gained an insight into …
Inviting questions
- I’d be glad to try and answer any questions.
- So, let’s throw it open to questions.
- Any questions?
7. QUESTION TIME – Asking and answering questions.
Welcoming a question
- Go ahead  / Please do / Certainly.
- That’s a good question.
- That’s interesting.
Clarifying a question
- If I understand you correctly, you are saying / asking …
- I didn’t quite catch that.
- Could you go over that again?
- I’m not sure what you’re getting at.
Avoiding giving an answer / or taking time to think before answering
- Perhaps we could deal with that later.
- Can we talk about that on another occasion?
- I’m afraid that’s not my field.
- I don’t have the figures with me.
- I’m sure Mr. (…) could answer that question.
- That’s interesting, but I’d prefer not to answer that
Checking the questioner is satisfied
- Does that answer your question?
- Is that clear?
- May we go on?

Friday, October 21, 2016

2. Suffixes

          2 . . . Suffixes

suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a word to make a new word. A suffix can make a new word in one of two ways:
  1. inflectional (grammatical): for example, changing singular to plural (dog → dogs), or changing present tense to past tense (walk → walked). In this case, the basic meaning of the word does not change.
  2. derivational (the new word has a new meaning, "derived" from the original word): for example, teach → teacher or care → careful
suffix goes at the end of a word. A prefix goes at the beginning.

Inflectional suffixes

Inflectional suffixes do not change the meaning of the original word. So in "Every day I walk to school" and "Yesterday I walked to school", the words walk and walked have the same basic meaning. In "I have one car" and "I have two cars", the basic meaning of the words car and cars is exactly the same. In these cases, the suffix is added simply for grammatical "correctness". Look at these examples:
suffixgrammatical changeoriginal wordsuffixed word
-enplural (irregular)oxoxen
-s3rd person singular presentlikehe likes
-edpast tense
past participle
workhe worked
he has worked
-enpast participle (irregular)eathe has eaten
-ingcontinuous/progressivesleephe is sleeping
-estsuperlativebigthe biggest

Derivational suffixes

With derivational suffixes, the new word has a new meaning, and is usually a different part of speech. But the new meaning is related to the old meaning - it is "derived" from the old meaning.
We can add more than one suffix, as in this example:
derive (verb) + ation → derivation (noun) + al → derivational (adjective)
There are several hundred derivational suffixes. Here are some of the more common ones:
original word
suffixed word
Note that the suffix -er can convert almost any verb into the person or thing performing the action of the verb. For example: a teacher is a person who teaches, a lover loves, a killer kills, an observerobserves, a walker walks, a runner runs; a sprinkler is a thing that sprinkles, a copier copies, a shredder shreds.



clinician- клиникийн эмч
technician- техникч
politician- улс төрч
beautician- гоо сайханч
musician- хөгжимчин
historian- түүхч
librarian- номын санч
optician- нүдний эмч
dietician- хоол хүнсний мэргэжилтэн


economist- эдийн засагч
meteorologist- цаг уурч
cyclist- дугуйчин
geologist- геологич
biochemist- биохимич
journalist- сэтгүүлч
taxidermist- чихмэлчин
sociologist- социологич
pharmacist- эм зүйч
florist- цэцэгчин


barber- үсчин
docker- ачигч
plumber- гагнуурчин
cleaner- цэвэрлэгч
builder- барилгачин
bartender- наймаачин
designer- зохион бүтээгч
astronomer- одон орон судлаач
defender- хамгаалагч
lawyer- өмгөөлөгч


director- зохиолч
sailor- усан цэрэг
solicitor- заргач
author- зохиолч
conductor- орчуулагч
actor- жүжигчин
doctor- эмч
inspector- байцаагч
vector- зөөгч
tailor- оёдолчин